BHOMB Hardcore OG shatter

 110.00 1,512.50


Buy BHOMB Hardcore OG shatter, West Coast Cure is responsible for creating some of the prettiest wax extracts we’ve ever seen. Its most popular strain extracted under its BHOMB product line, Hardcore OG, propelled West Coast Cure to stoner notoriety, as rapper Action Bronson vouched for its Hardcore OG cake badder. Founded in Newport Beach, California, in 2010, West Coast Cure was born to cater to a high-end consumer of cannabis extracts, including shatters, budder, and cartridges. Buy BHOMB Hardcore OG shatter

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1 0.5 grams @€110.00 €110.00, 3 0.5 grams @€93,50.00 €280.00, 5 0.5 grams @€88.00 €440.00, 10 0.5 grams @€77.00 €770.00, 25 0.5 grams @€60.00 €1,512.50


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